Monday, December 23, 2019
The Importance of the Police Officers Statement when...
INTRODUCTION In the first part of the following essay I will be analysing the Police Statement and the reasons that the Jurat has to be included in a statement. I will be making reference to current legislation, NSWPF operational guidance and other reference material contained within the 201415 PPP232 Interact Site. In the second part of the following essay I will be nominating one source of evidence that is present at the scene of a scenario. I will be discussing in my own words how Police should collate, handle and analyse the piece of evidence in a Criminal Investigation. In doing this I will be using relevant crime scene powers, NSWPF operational guidance and making reference to the Horswell (2004) reading. JURAT Charles Sturt†¦show more content†¦For example, John Smith was at the local Hotel and he hit Jill Smith with a closed fist to her nose. He said – â€Å"Take that, I meant it and I will do it again!†She said – â€Å"That’s It I am calling the Police.†A written statement must be signed by the person who made the statement. If the statement is unable to be signed by the person who made the statement then another person may sign the statement with the consent and in the presence of the person who’s name appears on the statement. When another person signs the statement who’s name does not appear on the statement the other person must sign an endorsement on the statement that indicates that the person signing the statement on behalf of the other person, with the consent and in the presence of the person who made the statement Section 81 of the Criminal Procedure Act 1986. The Jurat derives from Latin which is translated to â€Å"to swear.†It is a judicial requirement that a written document is true and accurate to the individual that has signed and dated it (2014). 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